How to copy character wow legion ptr
How to copy character wow legion ptr

how to copy character wow legion ptr

Or when some people play or different computers. While there are AddOns that do that I don't think this is a good thing to be forced to download external addons for such thing especially considering there are nice perks of using "build-in" memory like being able to copy character to PTR and then just (manually, but would be good if it was automated process.) copy your macros out of retail and you are done with PTR setup. It's annoying to be forced to shorten macros as much as possible to make them fit making them unreadable in case there is need for fixing.

how to copy character wow legion ptr

Increase the limit of letters for each macro from 255 to like double or triple too. Most people that play many characters of same class just copy macros from their main anyway. I need more space for macros (double or triple of current amount) per character OR in case blizard don't want to "waste" disc space for us then change current "general and character specific space" to general and class specific" so that all characters of same class on our accounts will share macros.

How to copy character wow legion ptr