Google earth street view
Google earth street view

These notices are not yet visible in the app today, but our team managed to enable them. In the latest update, version 2.71618, Google has prepared a handful of deprecation/shutdown notices for the Street View app. Considering the more popular Google Maps app has Street View support and Google offers a “Street View Studio” web app for contributors, it should be no surprise to learn that the company is now preparing to shut down the Street View app. This standalone app served two distinct groups of people – those who wanted to deeply browse Street View and those who wanted to contribute their own 360° imagery. While the Google Maps app has long offered an easy way to hop into Street View, there has also been a dedicated Street View app on Android and iOS. Google’s Street View is an easy way to get a 360° look at almost any given street on the planet, perfect for getting a sense of your next travel destination or simply exploring the world from the comfort of home. We’ll try to enable those that are closer to being finished, however, to show you how they’ll look in case that they do ship. Keep in mind that Google may or may not ever ship these features, and our interpretation of what they are may be imperfect. When we decompile these files (called APKs, in the case of Android apps), we’re able to see various lines of code within that hint at possible future features. Google is preparing to shut down the dedicated Street View app on Android, keeping the feature in Google Maps.Ībout APK Insight: In this “APK Insight” post, we’ve decompiled the latest version of an application that Google uploaded to the Play Store.

Google earth street view